A day of Reflection/Registration

So, I have realized that I am not too good at this blogging thing. It is not because I don’t think about it, I do. It’s just that I don’t seem to be able to find the time in my daily life for another thing to manage. I recently came to the conclusion that I don’t have to be crazy about it like I thought in the beginning. Initially, I thought I need to post everyday to keep people interested. Now, I am thinking that I need to just post when something I feel is blog worthy comes about. It’s not like this is my livelihood, it’s simply about getting information out there to people who are curious about the Paleo/Crossfit lifestyle. So today, I thought, get back at it, girl. and why not…today has already been a pretty great day and it’s not even noon.

For those of you wondering…yes, I still eat Paleo (I always will!), and I am doing crossfit 5x per week now. I am addicted/obsessed. I’ve got it pretty bad, actually. Crossfit seems to occupy most of my brain, most of the time. In fact, I am currently studying for my Level 1 certification! It amazes me on a daily basis how I went from a couch-potato ball of fluff to a strong (mentally and physically), capable, active woman. I’m telling you, if I can do it…ANYONE can!

So, thinking about the 2 things I love most, I went a little registration crazy today. I registered for my very first Crossfit competition AND for the PaleoFX 2013 conference, March 28-30, in Austin! I wanted to go to Paleo FX last year, but it just didn’t work out for me, so I knew that this year was a must. I am SO excited to be going and potentially getting to rub elbows (and pick brains) with some of the greats in the Paleo community! Not to mention, all the information that will be available in the form of seminars, demonstrations, vendors, etc. I plan to update daily while I am there, so if you can’t go and are curious about what’s going on, stay tuned!

As for the crossfit competition, it is a local one that my coach participated in last year. It seems like a great place to start.  I am doing the scaled division with my 16 yo daughter who has just started crossfitting with me. I think it will be a great time for both of us! I am really looking forward to feeling the intensity of a true competition setting and to working with my daughter towards a common goal…kicking ass! She isn’t as crazy about crossfit as I am, so I am hoping to show her when you put your mind to something, you might be surprised at what you can do! I know I have been.

Anyway, thanks for hanging around even when there is nothing coming out of this blog! I will try to be better, I promise.

One comment on “A day of Reflection/Registration

  1. kaylesleigh1 says:

    Ha, and I’ve just blogged about why I’m great at this blogging thing but not so great at the crossfit – if only we were able to team up …! How cool that you’re going to get to compete alongside your daughter; what a great example you’re setting her.

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